AXLR8 Checkpoints Rev 4

AXLR8 Checkpoints Rev 4

We are delighted with the field testing of revision 4.0 of this device following client feedback – mostly from the security and retail field marketing industries. More information on the dedicated AXLR8 Event Staffing website.

All weather

AXLR8 Checkpoints are weather resisitant even in a very rainy country like the UK. We will also test them in cold countries soon to see if they can get through minus 30 cold snaps in Canada or Scandanavia. Not sure we will bother testing at 10m under the sea – even if it would make a good picture! The AXLR8 Checkpoint would survive in high pressure salt water for around a year, we believe. We would need to research sealants for longer than that. However, if you had mobile guards or countercover staff down there, then the scanning device would also need military specification sealing. We think about these things so you don’t have to.

Surface Attachment


It seems that small seemingly insignificant changes are more expensive than you would imagine but also more satisfying for us when done. If your client does not allow you to attach your proof of attendance check in and check out devices on to the walls with screws (the original designs) then we have 100% back surface for adhesive or double sided tape or velcro. Too many options to list. The AXLR8 Checkpoints may be customer installed. Obviously, do a “patch test” on a single device first if you use glue with chemicals that may contain acids or other corrosive chemicals. This caveat applies to the client’s wall or other surfaces too, of course. Some of these devices are under counters and several are in cupboards.

No power or network cabling

These devices are passive and so they do not need electricity or any network cabling. Staff checking in, out or about, just need a BYOD device (reasonably up-to-date iPhone or Android device) which virtually all of your staff carry with them, anyway.

Low deployment costs

Live powered networked intelligent scanning devices are expnsive to install and maintain. Where you need an intelligent networked device internet and electric suply plus battery back up and plenty of local memory, the costs are normally £1000 minimum to purchase, install, wire up and connect to the net. They are then vulnerable to weather, power and internet interruption, vandalism, etc. So insurance and maintenance are necessary. They do help if you have hundreds of staff with swipe cards as the cost per staff check in is low. We have relationships with Paxton and Almas Industries if you need this sort of swipe/ biometric device installed and we keep up-to-date on new products on the market all the time. However, AXLR8 Checkpoints are around £150-£300 installed and maintenance is basically occasional replacement due to landlords or clients restrictions on adesion methods on their walls or other surfaces. There are also cheaper share survices where AXLR8 have identified, for example, that three countercover agencies and one security firm all have staff working at the same location and all need the same check in, out and about recording functionality when their staff are working.

Wokingham Theatre expands seating layout

We are delighted to have completed the work on the new expanded theatre auditorium seating plan for Wokingham Theatre’s seat booking system. We met this morning and set the new bigger seating configuration live for September bookings.

Well done Wokingham Theatre! You could probably double the seat numbers and still sell out every performance!

Everyone at AXLR8 has enjoyed working for you over the years and seeing the club grow and, not least, the many wonderful perfomances we have attended.

AXLR8 commercial client GDPR

AXLR8 have produced the following AXLR8 GDPR document for clients in the commercial sector – especially those who use direct mail with our Newsletter Builder and other tools in B2C markets.

It also refers to a new AXLR8 Data Cleaning document.

Staffing Clients

Those in staffing will find it useful as there are some pointers about adding the Opt Ins to your staff contracts.  It seems reasonable to ask staff to read email in order to see what what work is coming up, confirming/ changing shifts and so on.  More is available on our specialist staffing website at

For example, we will be covering data retention periods and especially applicant data and data about terminated staff (with and without payment history.

Government  Clients

AXLR8 are creating special new SAR 30/60/90 Information Request Types.  More details are on the way to government users of our FOI systems.

AXLR8 Telephones will be down on Saturday 10th March

If you have called in on any of our 01344 776500 lines, you may have noticed an intermittent crackle that has worsened over the last few days.

Open Reach are coming in at some point on Saturday aftrenoon 10th March and the 01344 776500 main lines will be down for at least an hour or two as they test and replace.

This problem does not seem to affect outgoing lines (which you should be able to use as well) starting 01344 75354x (e.g. 01344 753540 and 01344 753541 plus several DDL lines.)  If we are not answering and it is urgent, please email  or use a director’s mobile phone number.  Just to confirm, Helpdesk answering times are 9-5 M-F excluding English public holidays.  However, for foreign clients and in emergencies, we can be contacted most evenings and weekends and public holidays.  I cannot remember a time when this has ever been abused.

GDPR references

This link is the official UK Information Commissioner’s Office website and the pages of content are

  • the authoritative source and
  • clearly explained.

The fines associated with General Data Protection Regulations which come in on 25th May 2018 are huge.  None of us can afford 4% of turnover.  The reputation damage to your business would be much higher.

Just like you, AXLR8 have beeen burning hard earned reserve cash preparing for GDPR on top of our Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Scanning and the resulting remediation action plans.

Many people are claiming to help you with GDPR if you pay them money.  If, like of most of our clients, have more sense than money and some basic legal IT understanding, you should visit this ICO link.  It is the official UK Information Commissioner’s Office website and the pages of content are authoritative and clearly explained.  All you need to know is that you are the “Data Controller” and AXLR8 is your “Data Processor”.  Obviously, if you have in house systems as well, you are both DC and DP for those systems.

If you have any queries about the matter, please do not hestitate to call and book a (free) call with one of our consultants.  “A stitch in time…..”


AXLR8 BT telephone maintenance 17th August 2017

BT Openreach are expanding capacity in our area.  This will affect our telephone and internet connectivity, the last few yards of which come overhead.

We have spoken with the contractor and agreed that this will not happen till after your Helpdesk Support hours.

It seems we need a new telephone pole as part of the process.  Nine metres is just not enough these days.  The new one will be ten metres high.

We are so proud.  Obviously, this growth is another great achievement for AXLR8.  I am not sure what effect this post (see what I did there!) will have on our SEO.

However, it means all our telephones will not be connected from around 5 p.m. on 17th August for around three hours.  If super urgent, please call a director’s mobile.  If not, please email support or log one on the portal.  We will pick it up the following day.

All telephones and office landline based internet should be restored by Friday morning 18th.

Thanks for your patience.  Please plan a visit soon to discuss your systems requirements over a cuppa and see the new pole.

Crowthorne to Windsor Castle off-road Bike Ride 28th August 2017. 11th year!

August 28th Bank Holiday Monday:  come on our off-road bike ride from Crowthorne to Windsor Castle through woods and parklands.  11th year!

A lovely bike ride through woods and parklands from Wellington Sports Club to Windsor Castle and back. Just turn up on August Bank Holiday Monday at 9.30 at club reception. Book the day out as we let the slow ones catch up and stop at a couple of pubs. Return about 5pm.

Make sure your bike is up to it. We will also organise some short practice runs. You must have a number you can call if you need to drop out (bike problem, tired, etc.) and need someone to pick you and your bike up. Contact if you have any questions.

No membership, money or RSVP required. No organisation involved. Involves pubs.  11th year and nobody died yet!




Streamlining staff organisation at football grounds

AXLR8 delivers award winning staffing systems to football grounds, tailoring each system to suit the scale of the job

The amount of care and attention to detail that goes into organising football matches in the UK is incredible. It sets a very high standard, regardless of the level, the size of the stadium, or the attendance numbers. Although the focus of visitors is on the pitch, there is a huge number of staff and administrative tasks going on in the background, helping everything to run properly and safely.

One aspect that has facilitated the world class standards is the use of cutting edge technology. With the right systems in place all of those tricky, time-consuming administrative tasks become much easier to deal with. The end result is better management, fewer delays, and even cost savings.
AXLR8 is perfectly placed to provide staffing systems to football grounds that will deliver the above benefits and many more, including an applicant tracking system (ATS). We are an award winning company and work hard to build fantastic partnerships with football clubs all around England. With our help the workload can be streamlined and you’ll see great advantages in terms of organisation on important match days.

All our systems are designed with the knowledge of just how many different people are involved on match days. They can be used to coordinate SIA security, stewards, bar staff, caterers, and a wide array of others. The system will ensure proof of presence and can even have features for vetting to the BS7858 standard. The entire process is generally a huge administrative task, but with the cutting edge technology it is much easier and will achieve the required standards.

As well as facilitating the effective deployment of staff, an AXLR8 system will ensure that each staff member is properly equipped to do their job. You can keep track of all equipment that is issued, from hi visibility clothing to radios and even key fobs for tills. That way each member of staff should be able to do their job to the best of their ability.

A final feature of the system, that will save a great deal of time and maximise accuracy, is to generate payroll. With the tracking and proof of presence features, the system knows when and where staff are on site. Data about the rate they earn can easily be set so that payroll can be completely automated.

An AXLR8 system can be scaled to suit any requirements, delivering a robust, reliable solution. If you would like to find out more please get in touch. We are happy to offer advice and work closely with clients to deliver the most valuable staffing systems to football grounds.

Security advice from AXLR8

Following the ransomware cyber attack on Friday 12 May which affected the NHS and is now known to have affected other organisations globally, AXLR8 offer the following advice urging both individuals and businesses to follow protection advice immediately and into the future. It is to be expected that other scams will follow, typically ones that purport to offer a solution only for it to be another exploit and not a solution at all. If you are in any doubt please feel free to call AXLR8 and we can put you in touch with a cyber security specialist consultant.

Key messages to protect yourself from ransomware:

  • Install system and application updates on all devices as soon as they become available.
  • Install anti-virus software on all devices and keep it updated.
  • Ensure that passwords are 10 characters or longer, and include a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numerals, and special characters (e.g. !, &, *). Our suggestion is to think of 3 words that are meaningful to you, concatenate them, substitute an “S” with a “5”, and/or an “E” for a “3” etc, similarly change an “I” for a “!” maybe. Do not write passwords on post it notes – if you must record them, keep them in a file on an external device, such as a USB stick. Do not call the file “passwords”, but something else non-pertinent – “elephants” maybe.
  • Create regular backups of your important files to a device that isn’t left connected to your network as any malware infection could spread to that too. Customers using our CRM systems can rest assured that their databases are backed up on a daily basis. If you wish to discuss our backup procedure, please call us on 01344 776500 or email

Fraudsters may exploit the recent high profile incident and use it as part of phishing/smishing campaigns. That is to say that they may offer a solution that is in fact an attack. We urge people to be particularly cautious if they receive any unsolicited communications from the NHS.

Our advice is as follows:

  • An email address can be spoofed. Don’t open attachments or click on the links within any unsolicited emails you receive, and never respond to emails that ask for your personal or financial details.
  • The sender’s name and number in a text message can be spoofed, so even if the message appears to be from an organisation you know of, you should still exercise caution, particularly if the texts are asking you to click on a link or call a number.
  • Don’t disclose your personal or financial details during a cold call, and remember that the police and banks will never ring you and ask you to verify your PIN, withdraw your cash, or transfer your money to another “safe” account.