The 2021 new autumn budget suggests growth for businesses that will need funding… so why not make your business even more successful with the help of AXLR8’s systems!
Firstly, what are the main budget proposals of the autumn budget?
• The retaining of the £1 million annual investment allowance until 31 March 2023.
• Retail, hospitality and leisure properties are eligible for a new temporary business rates relief in England 2022/23.
• Most pension savers will now be able to have their pension savings without incurring a tax charge.
• People disposing of UK property now have a 60 day CGT reporting and payment deadline, following the completion of the disposal.
• Increases in the National Minimum Wage rates and National Living Wage.
So whether your clients sell to consumers or businesses, they will be anticipating growth.
AXLR8 are widely used in the financial services community. Our systems are used for investor relationship management, KYC, money laundering checks and many other compliance requirements.
We are known for keeping all customer details, files, documents, notes and correspondence in one place. This saves your team time meaning more time they can spend with clients.
However, AXLR8 also have additional automation.
- Trigaware(TM) alerts you to important dates such as imminent expiry of contracts or DPA permission, etc.
- ExchangeVault stores emails, Skype and other calls with clients’ files so that you never have to add them manually.
These features reduce the cost of compliance and increase the quality and transparency of your information for audits.
We also have a popular system that has been specially developed for the needs of commercial asset finance intermediaries and funding brokers. The system covers funder proposal and quotation management, client management for regulated and unregulated funding requirements.
More detail is available about AXLR8 Proposal management system here.