AXLR8 Film Rights Sales System

The AXLR8 Film Rights Distribution system is aimed at film sales agents world wide.
It will be soft launched at the European Film Festival 2019 in Berlin (Feb 6-12th, 2019). Then it will be officially launched in Cannes during the Film festival there in May 2019.

  • Revenue and sales forecasting
  • Creation of a DM (Deal Manifest) short form distribution agreement
  • Creates and archives this and the LFA (long form agreement) with standard IFTA agreements or your own documentation
  • Sales order processing and payments accounting
  • Collections emails automatically chase debts using AXLR8 Debt Chaser
  • Full reporting of “Avails”: Films available in different territories
  • Records film titles distributor agreements for specific territories and prints out fully bespoke agreements including MG (minimum guarantee), expiry of distribution, etc.)
  • Records when film titles distribution rights will end for your reseller and hence when a film distributorship is up for renewal.
  • Reminders of film distribution review dates and expiry
  • Allows interfaces with your website
  • Newsletter broadcasts to clients and others
  • Sales and marketing tools
  • many more features

The system requires no server or other systems investment. That is because it is hosted, managed and backed up on AXLR8Cloud. It is offered to clients as a subscription service (SaaS).  So you just need a browser on your PC Mac, Tablet, iPad or smart phone.

Please contact AXLR8 if this is of interest and you would like a demonstration.

AXLR8 Geofencing for Staff Attendance

AXLR8 have a proven reliable track record in the BYOD geo-location of staff using smartphones. However, geofencing has always been reserved for our asset tracking modules.
Now our staffing agency clients and others in construction, debt collection, and many other verticals want to be able to stop people checking in for work at remote locations unless they are actually there.
Unfortunately, there has always been a tiny minority of remote workers who check in on time but are actually a mile or more away from the place where they are being paid to provide a service. In a couple of cases, people have checked in for a work day at a retail outlet demonstrating products and it has been proven by the AXLR8 system they were still at home. Reputations take a long time to build in staffing agencies. Those guys wreck an agency’s hard earned reputation and they have nowhere to hide if they attempt to defraud an AXLR8 client using AXLR8 Proof of Location systems.
Please contact us for more details.

AXLR8 commercial client GDPR

AXLR8 have produced the following AXLR8 GDPR document for clients in the commercial sector – especially those who use direct mail with our Newsletter Builder and other tools in B2C markets.

It also refers to a new AXLR8 Data Cleaning document.

Staffing Clients

Those in staffing will find it useful as there are some pointers about adding the Opt Ins to your staff contracts.  It seems reasonable to ask staff to read email in order to see what what work is coming up, confirming/ changing shifts and so on.  More is available on our specialist staffing website at

For example, we will be covering data retention periods and especially applicant data and data about terminated staff (with and without payment history.

Government  Clients

AXLR8 are creating special new SAR 30/60/90 Information Request Types.  More details are on the way to government users of our FOI systems.

AXLR8 Telephones will be down on Saturday 10th March

If you have called in on any of our 01344 776500 lines, you may have noticed an intermittent crackle that has worsened over the last few days.

Open Reach are coming in at some point on Saturday aftrenoon 10th March and the 01344 776500 main lines will be down for at least an hour or two as they test and replace.

This problem does not seem to affect outgoing lines (which you should be able to use as well) starting 01344 75354x (e.g. 01344 753540 and 01344 753541 plus several DDL lines.)  If we are not answering and it is urgent, please email  or use a director’s mobile phone number.  Just to confirm, Helpdesk answering times are 9-5 M-F excluding English public holidays.  However, for foreign clients and in emergencies, we can be contacted most evenings and weekends and public holidays.  I cannot remember a time when this has ever been abused.

GDPR references

This link is the official UK Information Commissioner’s Office website and the pages of content are

  • the authoritative source and
  • clearly explained.

The fines associated with General Data Protection Regulations which come in on 25th May 2018 are huge.  None of us can afford 4% of turnover.  The reputation damage to your business would be much higher.

Just like you, AXLR8 have beeen burning hard earned reserve cash preparing for GDPR on top of our Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Scanning and the resulting remediation action plans.

Many people are claiming to help you with GDPR if you pay them money.  If, like of most of our clients, have more sense than money and some basic legal IT understanding, you should visit this ICO link.  It is the official UK Information Commissioner’s Office website and the pages of content are authoritative and clearly explained.  All you need to know is that you are the “Data Controller” and AXLR8 is your “Data Processor”.  Obviously, if you have in house systems as well, you are both DC and DP for those systems.

If you have any queries about the matter, please do not hestitate to call and book a (free) call with one of our consultants.  “A stitch in time…..”


De Lage Landen integration

Great project with the De Laga Landen developer support team last month.

AXLR8 now have a direct proposal introduction system in test and hope to have the first clients using it within a month.  Fantastic development  job by all concerned.

Great to work with such a forward-looking financial company.

AXLR8 time and attendance and Paxton attendance recording systems

AXLR8 now have a fully developed Paxton interface using the Net2 architecture.  It allows you to use physical Paxton scanning devices to check that staff have arrived for their shifts on time and can record check in time, check out time and other times such as tour locations and breaks.   This is popular with agency staff and permanent staffing in:

  • security
  • stewarding
  • inspection
  • cleaning

and many other areas.

The systems are being deployed to check staff in and out and to record security and other tour paths in football stadia, building sites, shopping arcades, factories, warehouses, hospitals and other large organisations where staff attendance needs to be recorded.  This involves physical Paxton hardware installed at critcal places on site  This could be for, e.g. a fingerprint or RFID card scan.

How does this compare with the AXLR8 Proof of Location smart phone app?

Where you have staff attending sites just once or on an oocasional basis – e.g. field marketing or once-off experiential or other services, naturally, you will still require the AXLR8 Proof of Location system using the staff’s BYOD smartphone and or web apps.  This is based upon a selfie on site and the satelite geo data proving that:

  • the specific employee you booked and trained for that job
  • was actually there at or before the shift time and, if necessary
  • standing in a prescribed uniform
  • with e.g. a demonstration kit set up.

As they may be in any town, at another site on any day, you cannot install hardware for a fingerprint or RFID scan. Many of our clients have staff rotas at locations where they cannot or may not install or use T&M hardware for other reasons.

So the AXLR8 BYOD PoL solution is complementary to the T&M solution for permanent work places.

AXLR8 BT telephone maintenance 17th August 2017

BT Openreach are expanding capacity in our area.  This will affect our telephone and internet connectivity, the last few yards of which come overhead.

We have spoken with the contractor and agreed that this will not happen till after your Helpdesk Support hours.

It seems we need a new telephone pole as part of the process.  Nine metres is just not enough these days.  The new one will be ten metres high.

We are so proud.  Obviously, this growth is another great achievement for AXLR8.  I am not sure what effect this post (see what I did there!) will have on our SEO.

However, it means all our telephones will not be connected from around 5 p.m. on 17th August for around three hours.  If super urgent, please call a director’s mobile.  If not, please email support or log one on the portal.  We will pick it up the following day.

All telephones and office landline based internet should be restored by Friday morning 18th.

Thanks for your patience.  Please plan a visit soon to discuss your systems requirements over a cuppa and see the new pole.

Crowthorne to Windsor Castle off-road Bike Ride 28th August 2017. 11th year!

August 28th Bank Holiday Monday:  come on our off-road bike ride from Crowthorne to Windsor Castle through woods and parklands.  11th year!

A lovely bike ride through woods and parklands from Wellington Sports Club to Windsor Castle and back. Just turn up on August Bank Holiday Monday at 9.30 at club reception. Book the day out as we let the slow ones catch up and stop at a couple of pubs. Return about 5pm.

Make sure your bike is up to it. We will also organise some short practice runs. You must have a number you can call if you need to drop out (bike problem, tired, etc.) and need someone to pick you and your bike up. Contact if you have any questions.

No membership, money or RSVP required. No organisation involved. Involves pubs.  11th year and nobody died yet!




Count down to GDPR May 2018

AXLR8 have been busy preparing for May 2018 when General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will be the main Data Protection legislation, updating DPA.

The penalties will be very high indeed for companies who do not take their Data Controller role seriously.  These fines will be in addition to any fines from professional bodies.
To help, we are launching the

  • AXLR8 GDPR positioning paper and
  • AXLR8 GDPR client starter kit with
  • AXLR8 GDPR check lists,
  • AXLR8 GDPR workshops and advice and guidance in September through December 2017.