Well, last day for us all in the office is Wednesday. On Thursday two or three people will be physically located at the office.
From Friday we’ll have just one or two people to handle the calls and everyone else will be working from home. We have the switcboard functionality to connect you to staff working at home. However, please take into account that such a connection uses two landlines as VoIP call quality is often not as good. Therefore, it quickly uses up our landlines. We need land line quality because so many people working at home are using mobiles with a wide range of cell signal quality.

So, please email support@ unless you feel it warrants a call. We are always delighted to chat. However, remember, we have to authenticate you before we can give out any information about your company’s system. Therefore, please be prepared to provide a cell phone number on your company email to help us recognise your call and be prepared to share your screen. Please note, as ever, our support team may not change your user account permissions. Your internal senior Super User must grant and change any of your permissions.
Please try to return emails with the support ticket reference in the subject line as it speeds things up.
Thanks for your business. Keep well!